Records - allRelated:684110 (MEET22/106) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Minutes MEET22/1601 05/14/1992
92-1606: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement With Clackamas County to Provide Litter Collection Services. 92-1606 05/14/1992
92-453: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to Pemco, Inc. For the Purpose of Operating a Petroleum Contaminated Soil Processing Facility and Declaring an Emergency. 92-453 05/28/1992
92-454: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to Sonas Soil Resource Recovery of Oregon, Inc. For the Purpose of Operating a Petroleum Contaminated Soil Processing Facility and Declaring an Emergency. 92-454 05/28/1992
92-455B: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 5.02, Disposal Charges and User Fees at Metro Facilities and Declaring an Emergency. 92-455B 05/14/1992
92-1608: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Sole-Source Contract With Charles Sax, AIA to Create a Booklet: Meet "MRF" An Introduction to Materials Recovery Facilities and Transfer Stations. 92-1608 05/14/1992
92-1614A: For the Purpose of Authorizing Issuance of a Request For Bids For Groundwater Monitoring Well Improvements, and Piezometer Installation at St Johns Landfill. 92-1614A 05/14/1992
92-1609: For the Purpose of Establishing Guidelines and Criteria For the Second Year of Greenspaces Restoration and Enhancement Grants. 92-1609 05/14/1992
92-1615: For the Purpose of Amending Contract 901-395 Between Metro and 1000 Friends of Oregon. 92-1615 05/14/1992
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/3434-001 05/14/1992
Council Meeting Packet MEET22/3434-002 05/14/1992
Council Agenda MEET22/106 05/14/1992