Records - allRelated:690000 (MEET22/975) - 9 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP02/2442 06/12/1986
Council Agenda MEET21/1900 06/12/1986
86-653: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Lyndon A.S. "Tuck" Wilson, Jr. to the Position of Convention, Trade, and Spectator Facilities Director. 86-653 06/12/1986
86-652: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Pay Plan to Change the Salary Level of the Position of Government Relations Manager, and Confirming the Appointment of Phillip Fell as Legislative Liaison. 86-652 06/12/1986
86-650: For the Purpose of a Resolution Accepting the Hearings Officer's Report in Contested Case No. 85-7 (Kaiser) as Amended Furthering Annexation of the Affected Property to Metro; and Expressing Council Intent to Amend the Urban Growth Boundary. 86-650 06/26/1986
86-651: For the Purpose of Accepting the Hearings Officer's Report in Contested Case No. 85-9 (Riviera), Furthering Annexation of the Affected Property to Metro and Expressing Council Intent to Amend the Urban Growth Boundary. 86-651 06/12/1986
86-649: For the Purpose of Amending Joint Resolution No. 85-603 and IRC Resolution No. 85-11-01 to Expand the Membership of the Bi-State Policy Advisory Committee. 86-649 06/12/1986
86-655: For the Purpose of Accepting the 1986 Oregon Primary Election Abstract of Votes of the Metropolitan Service District. 86-655 06/12/1986
Council Minutes MEET22/975 06/12/1986