Records - allRelated:691148 (MEET22/1224) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP02/1117 08/08/1989
Council Agenda MEET22/36 08/08/1989
89-306: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 89-294A Revising the FY 1989-90 Budget and Appropriations Schedule to Increase the Executive Officers Salary in Accordance With Senate Bill 1150. 89-306 09/14/1989
89-307: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 89-294A Revising the FY 1989-90 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For Council Per Diem. 89-307 09/14/1989
89-308: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 89-294A Revising the FY 1989-90 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Expanding the Water Quality Study Program and Adding 1.0 FTE Associate Management Analyst in Executive Management 89-308 09/14/1989
89-1113: For the Purpose of Approving a Request For Bids Document For Removal of Source Separated Yard Debris From the St. Johns Landfill and Processing the Material Into a Product. 89-1113 08/08/1989
89-1115: For the Purpose of Ratifying A Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Consolidation of Regional Convention, Trade, Spectator and Performing Arts Facilities Presently Owned and Operated By the City of Portland and the Metropolitan Service District 89-1115 08/08/1989
89-1124: For the Purpose of Awarding a Two-Year Contract to Coates Advertising and Public Relations to Design and Implement Portions of the Public Education and Promotion Program For the Solid Waste Reduction Program. 89-1124 08/08/1989
89-1127: For the Purpose of Appointing a Candidate to Fill the Vacant District 7 Council Position. 89-1127 08/08/1989
89-1128: For the Purpose of Amending Resolution No. 89-1103 to Add Citizens to the Composter Community Enhancement Advisory Committee. 89-1128 08/08/1989
89-300: For the Purpose of Dedicating the St. Johns Reserve Fund For the Purposes Established By OAR 340-61-034. 89-300 08/08/1989
Council Minutes MEET22/1224 08/08/1989