Records - allRelated:692556 (MEET22/1554) - 13 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Meeting Packet MP02/328 12/27/1990
91-377: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Yard Debris Plan. 91-377 01/10/1991
90-1337: For the Purpose of Establishing Economic Incentives That Encourage Greater Waste Reduction and Recycling. 90-1337 12/27/1990
90-1344: For the Purpose of Establishing a Technical Advisory Committee to Assist the Metro Council In Coordinating the Metropolitan Greenspaces Program. 90-1344 12/27/1990
90-1360: For the Purpose of Adopting Program Activities For Year Two of the Annual Waste Reduction Program For Local Government. 90-1360 12/27/1990
90-1362: For the Purpose of Designating the Manager of Financial Services as Budget Officer of the Metropolitan Service District. 90-1362 12/27/1990
90-1363: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program For Light Rail Procurement, Transit Mall Extension and Bus Purchases. 90-1363 12/27/1990
90-1365: For the Purpose of Accepting the Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants on Metro's FY 1990 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance. 90-1365 12/27/1990
90-1369: For the Purpose of Authorizing Supplemental Federal-Aid Urban Funds For LRT Compatibility of the Hawthorne Bridge. 90-1369 12/27/1990
90-1377: For the Purpose of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement With the Special District Associations of Oregon (SDAO) to Provide Legislative Service to the Metropolitan Service District. 90-1377 12/27/1990
90-1381: For the Purpose of Confirming Appointments to Council Committees. 90-1381 12/27/1990
Council Minutes [Missing] MEET22/1555 12/27/1990
Council Agenda MEET22/1554 12/27/1990