Records - allRelated:712159 (MEET22/3547-002) - 24 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
92-1737: For the Purpose of Continuing Council Standing Committees and Making Committee Appointments. 92-1737 12/22/1992
92-1736: For the Purpose of Expressing Appreciation to Edward P. Gronke For Services Rendered to the Council of the Metropolitan Service District. 92-1736 12/22/1992
92-1735: For the Purpose of Expressing Appreciation to Tanya Collier For Services Rendered to the Council of the Metropolitan Service District. 92-1735 12/22/1992
92-1734: For the Purpose of Expressing Appreciation to Larry Bauer For Services Rendered to the Council of the Metropolitan Service District. 92-1734 12/22/1992
Council Agenda MEET22/117 12/22/1992
Council Minutes MEET22/1615 12/22/1992
92-1673D: Greenspaces Willing Seller Policy at Sunset Light Rail Transit Station. 92-1673D 12/22/1992
92-1706: For the Purpose of Endorsing Alternatives For Evaluation in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Phase of the Western Bypass Study. 92-1706 12/22/1992
92-1712C: For the Purpose of Designating the Regional Growth Concepts to Be Evaluated in Phase II of the Region 2040 Project. 92-1712C 12/22/1992
92-1715: For the Purpose of Adopting the Revised Affirmative Action Policy and Program. 92-1715 12/22/1992
92-1716: For the Purpose of Confirming the Reappointment of Ben Middleton to the Metropolitan Exposition-Recreation Commission (MERC). 92-1716 12/22/1992
92-1718B: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on Motor Vehicle Emissions Reduction in the Portland Metropolitan Area. 92-1718B 12/22/1992
92-1719A: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Oregon Transportation Financing Plan. 92-1719A 12/22/1992
92-1720: For the Purpose of Establishing the Metropolitan Greenspaces Environmental Education Small Grants Program Guidelines and Funding Criteria. 92-1720 12/22/1992
92-1722: For the Purpose of Accepting Metro's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1992, the Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1992 and the Various Auditor Reports Thereon, and the Letter to Management Provided By KPMG Peat Marwick 92-1722 12/22/1992