Records - allRelated:713459 (MEET22/3681-001) - 21 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Minutes MEET20/611 06/23/1994
Council Agenda MEET22/157 06/23/1994
94-1904A: For the Purpose of Supporting Programs to Improve the Collection and Recycling of Rigid Plastic Containers. 94-1940A 06/23/1994
94-1957: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute a One-Year Lease For the Warehouse at 2516 NW 29th, Portland, OR. 94-1957 06/23/1994
94-1959: For the Purpose of Amending Personal Services Agreement 902953 Between Metro and Public Financial Management, Inc., to Increase the Maximum Compensation and to Add Projects to the Scope of Work. 94-1959 06/23/1994
94-1963: For the Purpose of Waiving and Postponing a Competitive RFP Process and Extending Metro Contract No. 902675 With Howard Johnson & Company and Rainier Trust For Administrative Record Keeping and Trust Services For the Metro Employee Salary Savings Plan 94-1963 07/28/1994
94-1964: For the Purpose of Adopting the FY 1995 to Post-1998 Transportation Improvement Program and the FY 1995 Through 1997 Three-Year Approved Program. 94-1964 06/23/1994
94-1970: For the Purpose of Confirming Appointments to the Greenspaces Policy Advisory Committee. 94-1970 06/23/1994
94-1994: For the Purpose of Accepting the May 17, 1994 Primary Election Abstract of Votes For Metro. 94-1994 06/23/1994
94-1996: For the Purpose of Amending a Contract With Harrang, Long, Gary, Rudnick P.C. For Legal Services on Council Contracting Authority. 94-1996 06/23/1994
94-1997: For the Purpose of Recommending A and B Contract Designations For the Personnel and Executive Management Departments. 94-1997 07/15/1998
94-2000: For the Purpose of Making Appointments to Council Standing Committees. 94-2000 06/23/1994
94-522B: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-487A Revising the FY 1993-94 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding Legislative Increases in Elected Official Salaries and Other Personal Services Needs; and Declaring an Emergency. 94-522B 06/23/1994
94-535B: For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 1994-95, Making Appropriations and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes; and Declaring an Emergency. 94-535B 06/30/1994
94-547: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 93-487A Revising the FY 1993-94 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Reflecting Expenditure Increases Due to Delivered Tonnage in Excess of Budget Expectations, Costs Associated With Household Hazardous Waste Events and Shift Coverage; and Declaring an Emergency 94-547 06/23/1994