Records - allRelated:716376 (MEET23/164) - 14 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN96/00029 07/25/1996
Council Minutes MIN96/00027 07/25/1996
96-2327: For the Purpose of Approving Chapter 1 of the Regional Transportation Plan Update. 96-2327 07/25/1996
96-650A: For the Purpose of Amending the Metro Code Regarding Salary Administration For Non-Represented Employees. 96-650A 08/08/1996
96-2356: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1996 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program to Update Regional Transit Program. 96-2356 07/25/1996
96-2363: For the Purpose of Appointing Members to the Metro Committee for Citizen Involvement (MCCI). 96-2363 07/25/1996
96-2360: For the Purpose of Confirming Nominations to Fill Vacancies on the Regional Parks and Greenspaces Advisory Committee. 96-2360 07/25/1996
96-2368: For the Purpose of Approving the Content of Public Information Materials For the 1996 Zoo Capital Improvements Bond Measure. 96-2368 07/25/1996
96-2373: For the Purpose of Requesting That the Land Conservation and Development Commission Adjust the 1992 Urban Reserve Rule. 96-2373 07/25/1996
96-2361: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the East Buttes and Boring Lava Domes Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2361 07/25/1996
96-2362: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the OMSI to Springwater Corridor Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2362 07/25/1996
96-2375: For the Purpose of Ratifying the AFSCME Local 3580 Collective Bargaining Agreement For July 1, 1996 Through June 30, 1999. 96-2375 07/25/1996
96-2379: For the Purpose of Revising Metro's Non-Represented Employee Pay Plan, and Amending Metro's Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Retirement Practices So as to Conform to Recent Oregon Supreme Court Decisions. 96-2379 07/25/1996
Council Meeting Packet MEET23/164 07/25/1996