Records - allRelated:752 (95-624) - 29+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
95-624: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 95-624 11/30/1995
90-359: For the Purpose of Adopting the Plan Development and Amendment Chapter of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 90-359 09/27/1990
91-377: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Yard Debris Plan. 91-377 01/10/1991
91-393A: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Identify Options For Implementing Local Government Facility Siting Standards. 91-393A 10/24/1991
91-406A: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Illegal Dumping Chapter. 91-406A 10/10/1991
91-416: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Metro West Transfer and Material Recovery System Chapter. 91-416 10/10/1991
88-266B: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan and Rescinding the Prior Solid Waste Plan Provisions. 88-266B 10/27/1988
89-315: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 88-266B Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan to Incorporate the Waste Reduction Chapter. 89-315 11/09/1989
96-2296A: For the Purpose of Authorizing RFP No. 95R-17B-REM for Phase II Commercial Food Waste Collection and Processing and Authorizing the Executive Officer to Enter Into a Contract(s). 96-2296A 03/14/1996
Council Agenda AGEN95/00063 11/30/1995
00-2940: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 11 Partnership Plan For Waste Reduction (Fiscal Year 2000-01). 00-2940 05/11/2000
01-3058: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 12 Partnership Plan For Waste Reduction (Fiscal Year 2001-02). 01-3058 04/26/2001
02-3170: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 13 Partnership Plan For Waste Reduction (Fiscal Year 2002-03) 02-3170 04/11/2002
03-3308: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 14 Partnership Plan For Waste Reduction (Fiscal Year 2003-04). 03-3308 04/10/2003
03-1004: For the Purpose of Amending the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Regarding Recovery Goals and Recommended Waste Reduction Strategies For the Management of Business, Building Industries and Commercially Generated Organic Wastes. 03-1004 05/01/2003