Records - allRelated:752 (95-624) - 29+ records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
95-624: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 95-624 11/30/1995
04-3442A: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 15 Partnership Plan For Waste Reduction (Fiscal Year 2004-05). 04-3442A 04/22/2004
04-3455: For the Purpose of Acknowledging the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan Contingency Plan and Directing Staff to Conduct Additional Outreach and Analysis on Select Contingency Strategies. 04-3455 05/27/2004
05-3567: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 16 Metro and Local Government Annual Waste Reduction Plan (Fiscal Year 2005-06) 05-3567 04/28/2005
06-3680: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 17 Metro and Local Government Annual Waste Reduction Plan (Fiscal Year 2006-07). 06-3680 03/30/2006
06-3722: For the Purpose of Approving the Interim Waste Reduction Plan to Provide Direction For Regional Waste Reduction Programs Pending the Completion of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 06-3722 08/17/2006
07-1162A: For the Purpose of Adopting the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan, 2007-2017 Update. 07-1162A 07/24/2008
08-1183A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Title V, Solid Waste, to Add Chapter 5.10, Regional Solid Waste Management Plan, to Implement the Requirements of the 2008-2018 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 08-1183A 07/24/2008
08-3927: For the Purpose of Approving the Year 19 Metro and Local Government Annual Waste Reduction Plan (Fiscal Year 2008-09). 08-3927 05/08/2008