Records - allRelated:815 (98-2652) - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
95-2218: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Contract For Technical Assistance, Financial Analysis and Intergovernmental Coordination For the South/North Transit Corridor Study. 95-2218 10/12/1995
Council Agenda AGEN98/00070 05/21/1998
Council Minutes MIN98/00054 05/21/1998
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Agenda AGEN98/00084 05/19/1998
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Minutes MIN98/00069 05/19/1998
98-2685: For the Purpose of Amending the South/North Technical Assistance, Financial Analysis and Intergovernmental Coordination Consultant Services Contract, No. 904099, With the Larkin Group, Inc. 98-2685 08/13/1998
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Meeting Packet MP98/27 05/19/1998
Council Meeting Packet MP98/126 05/21/1998
95-2141A: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Solicitation of Proposals For the South/North Transit Corridor Study. 95-2141A 05/11/1995
97-2505A: For the Purpose of Adopting Cost-Cutting Amendments to the South/North Light Rail Alternatives and Design Options to Be Studied Further in the Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 97-2505A 05/22/1997
97-2536: For the Purpose of Amending the South/North Technical Assistance, Financial Analysis and Intergovernmental Coordination Consultant Services Contract, No. 904099, With the Larkin Group, Inc. to Incorporate Activities Associated With Preliminary Engineering and the Analysis of Cost-Cutting Measures 97-2536 07/17/1997
98-2652: For the Purpose of Amending the South/North Technical Assistance, Financial Analysis and Intergovernmental Coordination Consultant Services Contract, No. 904099, With the Larkin Group, Inc. to Incorporate Activities Associated With Preliminary Engineering and the Final Environmental Impact Statement 98-2652 05/21/1998