Records - allRelated:8850 (MIN99/00059) - 11 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN99/00072 04/29/1999
99-793B: For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget For Fiscal Year 1999-00, Making Appropriations, Levying Ad Valorem Taxes, and Declaring an Emergency. 99-793B 06/24/1999
99-2749: For the Purpose of Approving the FY 1999-00 Budget and Transmitting the Approved Budget to the Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission. 99-2749 04/29/1999
99-2771: For the Purpose of Granting Time Extensions to the Functional Plan Compliance Deadline - April 1999. 99-2771 04/29/1999
99-2772: For the Purpose of Amending the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Approve an Element of Tri-Met's Bus Purchase Program. 99-2772 04/29/1999
99-2776: For the Purpose of Appointing Lynn Taylor, Selena Mason, Judy Chambers, and Trevor Nelson to Fill Three Expiring Terms and One Vacant Position on the North Portland Rehabilitation and Enhancement Committee; and Declaring an Emergency 99-2776 04/29/1999
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE99/53 04/29/1999
99-803: For the Purpose of Amending Chapter 3.09 of the Metro Code Relating to Local Government Boundary Changes and Declaring an Emergency. 99-803 05/20/1999
99-804: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Section 4.01.050, and Revising Admissions Fees and Policies at the Oregon Zoo. 99-804 05/27/1999
Council Meeting Packet MP99/20 04/29/1999
Council Minutes MIN99/00059 04/29/1999