
Records - allRelated:775 (96-647C) - 45+ Records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN98/00001 01/08/1998
Council Minutes MIN98/00001 01/08/1998
98-732: For the Purpose of Revising Quasi-Judicial Urban Growth Boundary Amendment Procedures in Metro Code 3.01.033, 3.01.035, 3.01.055, 3.01.065 and Declaring an Emergency. 98-732 04/16/1998
97-690A: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance No. 95-625A to Amend the 2040 Growth Concept Map and Ordinance No. 96-647C to Amend the Title 4 Map. 97-690A 07/10/1997
97-691C: For the Purpose of Amending Title 8 on Council Interpretation of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan; and Declaring an Emergency. 97-691C 09/25/1997
95-625A: Amending the Regional Urban Growth Goals and Objectives, and Adopting Metro 2040 Growth Concept and Metro 2040 Growth Concept Map. 95-625A 12/14/1995
96-647C: For the Purpose of Adopting a Functional Plan For Early Implementation of the 2040 Growth Concept. 96-647C 11/21/1996
98-727C: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinances No. 96-647C and No. 97-715B, the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan, to Clarify Compliance Issues. 98-727C 07/23/1998
98-730C: For the Purpose of Amending Ordinance Nos. 96-647C and No. 97-715B to Amend Title 3 of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan, and Amend Regional Framework Plan, Appendix A, and Adopt the Title 3 Mode Ordinance and Water Quality and Flood Management Maps 98-730C-01 06/18/1998
96-2288: For the Purpose of Initiating a New Functional Plan to Implement 2040 Growth Concept. 96-2288 02/29/1996
98-770: For the Purpose of Amending First Tier and Urban Reserve Planning Requirements For Urban Growth Boundary Amendments. 98-770 09/03/1998
98-772B: For the Purpose of Amending First Tier and Urban Reserve Planning Requirements For Urban Growth Boundary Amendments and Establishing Priorities For Metro Initiated Legislative Amendments to the Urban Growth Boundary and Declaring an Emergency 98-772B-01 09/10/1998
98-2711: For the Purpose of Granting Time Extensions to the Functional Plan Compliance Reporting Deadline. 98-2711 10/15/1998
98-2708: For the Purpose of Adopting Resolution No. 98-2708, to Adopt the Metro Native Plant List as Referenced in the Title 3 Model Ordinance Adopted in Ordinance No. 98-730C. 98-2708 10/08/1998
99-2755: For the Purpose of Granting Time Extensions to the Functional Plan Compliance Deadline. 99-2755 02/25/1999