Records - contact:111 (Deffebach, Chris) - 14 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
97-2528A: For the Purpose of Approving the Recommended South Willamette River Crossing Options For Further Evaluation as Contained Within the Screening Results and Recommendations Report, April 1997. 97-2528A 08/07/1997
98-2648: For the Purpose of Amending the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program to Authorize $1,082,000 of Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Funds in Federal Fiscal Year 1998 For the Purchase and Installation of Standby Power at Union Station and Purchase of Two Cab-Cars For the Pacific Northwest Passenger Rail Program 98-2648 05/21/1998
99-2778: For the Purpose of Establishing a Bi-State Committee of the Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) and the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council (RTC). 99-2778 06/03/1999
98-2657: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1999 Unified Work Program (UWP) to Include the Hillsboro to McMinnville Commuter Rail Study (UPWP) 98-2657 12/27/1998
99-2811A: For the Purpose of Approving the South Willamette River Crossing Study Recommendations. 99-2811A 08/05/1999
00-2960A: For the Purpose of Approving I-5 High Occupancy Vehicle Facility Recommendations. 00-2960A 07/06/2000
00-2991: For the Purpose of Modifying the Existing Intergovernmental Agreement Specifying Roles and Responsibilities For the Bi-State Transportation Committee. 00-2991 10/26/2000
03-3332: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Sign the First Addendum to Metro's 2002 Intergovernmental Agreement With the Tualatin Basin Natural Resources Coordinating Committee. 03-3332 05/15/2003
03-3397: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Amendment to Contract No. 924275 With ECONorthwest to Perform Economic Analysis as Part of Phase 2 of Metro Goal 5 ESEE Analysis. 03-3397 12/11/2003
04-3488: For the Purpose of Creating and Appointing Members to the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Program Implementation Work Group 04-3488 08/19/2004
04-3489A: For the Purpose of Clarifying That Metro's Goal 5 Fish and Wildlife Habitat Protection Program Shall Not Restrict Currently Allowed Uses of Developed Residential Property and Shall Focus Homeowner-Related Efforts On Education and Stewardship Incentive Programs 04-3489A 08/19/2004
04-3493: For the Purpose of Appointing Additional Members to the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Program Implementation Work Group 04-3493 09/16/2004
05-3557: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Sign the Second Addendum to Metro's 2002 Intergovernmental Agreement With the Tualatin Basin Natural Resources Coordinating Committee 05-3557 03/24/2005
09-4071: For the Purpose of Supporting Metro Membership In and Confirming the Council President's Appointment of Councilor Burkholder to the Portland-Vancouver Regional Partners Council For Economic Development. 09-4071 09/10/2009