Records - contact:117 (Kent, Heather Nelson) - 50 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
97-702: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1996-97 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $10,000 From Contingency to Personal Services in the Office of the Executive Officer's Portion of the General Fund to Provide For Unanticipated Unemployment Expenditures and Other Personal Services Needs, and Declaring an Emergency 97-702 06/26/1997
97-709: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1997-98 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $2,500 From Contingency to Materials and Services in the Office of the Executive Officer's Portion of the General Fund to Provide For Metro's Sponsorship of a Symposium on Bi-State Issues, and Declaring an Emergency 97-709 06/24/1998
96-2289: For the Purpose of Confirming a Citizen Member Appointee to the Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC). 96-2289 03/14/1996
96-2290: For the Purpose of Confirming a Citizen Member Alternate to the Metro Policy Advisory Committee (MPAC). 96-2290 03/14/1996
96-2368: For the Purpose of Approving the Content of Public Information Materials For the 1996 Zoo Capital Improvements Bond Measure. 96-2368 07/25/1996
98-2699: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Portland to Manage the Whitaker Ponds Master Plan Area Properties. 98-2699 10/01/1998
98-2698: For the Purpose of Updating the Greenspaces Technical Advisory Committee (GTAC). 98-2698 11/05/1998
99-2816: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Tigard to Manage the Property in the Fanno Creek Greenway Target Area. 99-2816 07/15/1999
99-2846: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract Between Metro and OTAK, Inc. For Design and Engineering Services at Oxbow Regional Park and Howell Territorial Park. 99-2846 11/04/1999
00-2983: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract Between Metro and First Cascade Corporation For Construction Services at Oxbow Regional Park. 00-2983 08/17/2000
01-3068: For the Purpose of Preparing Recommendations For Updating the Regional Trails and Greenways Map. 01-3068 05/31/2001
01-3096: For the Purpose of Council Approval of the Rock Creek Greenway Management Plan Pursuant to the IGA Between Metro and the City of Hillsboro. 01-3096 08/16/2001
02-3147: For the Purpose of Reallocating a Portion of the Multnomah County Local Share Funds From the Metro Open Spaces Bond. 02-3147 02/28/2002
02-3192: For the Purpose of Amending the Greenspaces Master Plan and Updating the Regional Trails and Greenways Plan and Map. 02-3192 07/25/2002
03-3313: For the Purpose of Reallocating Remaining Multnomah County Local Share Portion of Metro Open Spaces Bond Funds. 03-3313 05/29/2003