Records - contact:17310 (Smoot, Rob) - 13 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-2610A: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFP #98B-6-REM For the Construction of a Latex Paint Processing Building at Metro South Station. 98-2610A 03/19/1998
97-2526: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Release of Bids For the Construction of Improvements to Metro South Station (RFB#97B-18-REM). 97-2526 06/06/1997
97-2534: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFP #97R-20-REM For the Design of a Latex Paint Processing Building and an Expansion of the Commercial Side of the Main Transfer Building at Metro South Station, and Design of a Maintenance Building at the St. Johns Landfill 97-2534 09/11/1997
98-2649: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFB #98B-32-REM For the Construction of an Extension of the Main Transfer Building Metro South Station. 98-2649 06/11/1998
98-2650: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFB #98B-33-REM For the Construction of a Truck Wash at the Main Transfer Building Metro South Station. 98-2650 06/11/1998
98-2637: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFP #98B-23-REM For the Construction of a Truck Wash and Extension of the Main Transfer Building at Metro South Station. 98-2637 12/27/1998
99-2875: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute a Contract With URS Corporation For the Design of a Public Unloading Area at Metro South Station. 99-2875 12/09/1999
00-2982: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFB #00B-31-REM For the Construction of a Public Unloading Facility at Metro South Station. 00-2982-01 08/17/2000
00-2982: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFB #00B-31-REM For the Construction of a Public Unloading Facility at Metro South Station. 00-2982-02 08/28/2000
00-2982: For the Purpose of Authorizing Release of RFB #00B-31-REM For the Construction of a Public Unloading Facility at Metro South Station. 00-2982-03 08/28/2000
03-3294: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Issuance of a Request For Bid No. 03-1056-SW to Construct the Metro South Station Northern Tip Floor (Bay 2) Renovation. 03-3294-01 04/17/2003
03-3294: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Issuance of a Request For Bid No. 03-1056-SW to Construct the Metro South Station Northern Tip Floor (Bay 2) Renovation. 03-3294-02 04/17/2003
14-4586: For the Purpose of Declaring the Plaza Building Surplus Property, Exempting the Tenant From Paying Excise Tax, and Authorizing the Execution of a Lease With Table 6. 14-4586 12/04/2014