Records - contact:1849 (Engstrom, Richard) - 8 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
94-565B: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1994-95 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $34,935 From the Solid Waste Revenue Fund Contingency to the Administration Division Materials and Services, Legal Fees Line Item For the Purpose of Providing Legal Services Regarding Executive Officer Contracting Authority 94-565B 09/22/1994
91-378A: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code 2.02, Section 2.02.040(e), Relating to Confirmation By Council of Certain Appointments to Fill Positions. 91-378A 02/28/1991
91-381: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 90-340A Revising the FY 1990-91 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Funding an Intergovernmental Agreement With the Special Districts Association of Oregon To Provide For Legislative Services For the District 91-381 01/24/1991
93-520: For the Purpose of Determining Which Facilities Contemplated For Transfer From Multnomah County to Metro are Public Cultural, Trade, Convention, Exhibition, Sports, Entertainment, or Spectator Facilities, or a System of Parks, Open Spaces or Recreational Facilities of Metropolitan Concern 93-520 12/09/1993
93-1849A: For the Purpose of Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between Multnomah County and Metro Regarding the Transfer of Regional Parks, Natural Areas, Golf Courses, Cemeteries and Trade/Spectator Facilities. 93-1849A 10/14/1993
93-1877: For the Purpose of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between Multnomah County and Metro Regarding Transfer of Regional Parks, Natural Areas, Golf Courses, Cemeteries and Trade/Spectator Facilities Presently Owned and Operated By Multnomah County and Metro 93-1877 12/09/1993
94-1933: For the Purpose of Creating the Department of General Services and Confirming the Appointment of Douglas E. Butler to the Position of Director of General Services. 94-1933 04/28/1994
94-2014: For the Purpose of Amending a Contract With Jacob Tanzer For Legal Services Regarding Metro Executive Officer Contracting Authority. 94-2014 09/22/1994