Records - contact:62 (Dow, Alexis) - 95 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-2605: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Auditor to Release a Request For Proposals and Execute a Contract For Independent Audit Services. 98-2605 02/12/1998
98-737: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1997-98 Budget and Appropriations Schedule in the Support Services Fund By Transferring $15,000 From the Administrative Services Department to the Office of the Auditor and Transferring $4,600 From Capital Outlay to Materials and Services Within the Office of the Auditor to Provide Funding For Conducting an Implementation Review of the InfoLink Project 98-737 04/09/1998
94-569: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1994-95 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $5,000 From the General Fund Contingency to the Office of Auditor Materials and Services Miscellaneous. Professional Services For the Purpose of Transition Services For the New Office of the Auditor; and Declaring an Emergency 94-569 10/13/1994
94-582A: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1994-95 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $32,402 From the General Fund Contingency to the General Fund Office of the Auditor For the Purpose of Adding One Senior Auditor 4/1/95 and Department Office Set-Up Requirements; and Declaring an Emergency 94-582A 12/22/1994
95-2077A: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Auditor to Release a Request For Proposals and Execute a Contract For Independent Audit Services. 95-2077A 01/26/1995
02-3193: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Release of a Request For Proposals (02-1019-AUD) For Financial Statement Audit Services. 02-3193 05/16/2002
03-1013: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2003-04 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Transferring $47,000 From the Support Services Contingency to the Office of the Auditor Materials and Services. 03-1013 07/10/2003
04-1035: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 2.04 to Require Retention of Contract Records By Metro Contractors and to Assure the Ability of Metro to Audit Contract Records 04-1035 02/26/2004
06-3673: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Auditor to Release a Request For Proposals and Execute a Contract For Independent Audit Services For Financial Activity During Fiscal Years Through June 30, 2008. 06-3673 03/02/2006
Solid Waste and Recycling Department: Emergency Response Plan Adequate; Better Communication Needed PUB07/63 01/10/2006
Regional Environmental Management (REM) Department Franchise Management PUB10/10 08/25/1996
Glendoveer Cellular Site Lease PUB10/11 10/24/1995
Observations Relating to Loaned Employees and Metro's Code of Ethics PUB10/12 09/28/1995
Observations Relating to the Outreach and Educational Program's Salmon Festival PUB10/13 09/21/1995
Survey of Potential Audits-1995 PUB10/14 06/28/1995