
Records - contact:615 (Kellington, Wendie) - 23 Records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Proposed Urban Growth Boundary Amendments: Stafford Urban Reserves CORR98/444 11/12/1998
Proposed Urban Growth Boundary Amendments - Stafford Urban Reserves, Volume 1: Submission Nos. 1 - 45. MISC98/7 11/12/1998
Proposed Urban Growth Boundary Amendments - Stafford Urban Reserves, Volume 2: Submission Nos. 46-66 MISC98/8 11/12/1998
Proposed Urban Growth Boundary Amendments - Stafford Urban Reserves, Volume 3: Submission Nos. 67-116 MISC98/9 11/12/1998
Proposed Urban Growth Boundary Amendments - Stafford Urban Reserves, Volume 4: Submission Nos. 117-169 MISC98/10 11/12/1998
Proposed Urban Growth Boundary Amendments - Stafford Urban Reserves, Volume 5: Submissions 170-188 MISC98/11 11/12/1998
Proposed Urban Growth Boundary Amendments: Stafford Urban Reserves CORR98/588 11/18/1998
Landslide Locations (1996-1997) and Zones of High Landslide Potential in the Portland Metropolitan Region MAP-UGBA-15 10/30/1998
1997 Aerial Photography: Taxlot Base - 10 Foot Contours, Streams and Rivers MAP-UGBA-22 06/24/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Rosemont Village URA 31, 32 and Portion of 33 MEMO99/10 12/03/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - Rosemont Village - URA 31, 32 and Portion of 33 MEMO99/16 12/07/1998
Metro Council - Metro Council Land Use Decision Records - Other Records - November 12, 1998 Testimony Inadvertently Lost MEMO99/17 12/07/1998
Halton Company and Rosemont Village CORR99/76 12/03/1998
Halton Company and Rosemont Village CORR99/77 12/07/1998
Halton Company and Rosemont Village, Volume I: Tab Nos. 1 - 44 MISC98/33 12/03/1998