Records - containerEx:231585 (GI5929) - 101 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
11-4303: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Grant an Easement Relating to the Expo Center Conditional Use Master Plan. 11-4303 10/27/2011
11-4302: For the Purpose of Adopting Amendments to the 1998 Green Corridor Intergovernmental Agreement Among Metro, Clackamas County and the City of Sandy and Authorizing the Council President to Sign the Amended Agreement. 11-4302 10/27/2011
11-4305: For the Purpose of Welcoming the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) to the Oregon Convention Center and Thanking Them For Hosting the 68th Annual Convention and Marketplace in the Portland Region. 11-4305 10/27/2011
11-4304: For the Purpose of Approving the Oregon Zoo 20-Year Comprehensive Capital Master Plan (CCMP). 11-4304 11/03/2011
11-4306: For the Purpose of Appointing Additional Members to the Southwest Corridor Plan Steering Committee. 11-4306 11/17/2011
11-4312: For the Purpose of Confirming the Council President's Appointments to the Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee (TPAC). 11-4312 11/17/2011
11-4300: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Issue a Renewed Non-System License to Crown Point Refuse, Inc., For Delivery of Putrescible Waste to the Wasco County Landfill For Disposal. 11-4300 12/08/2011
11-4301: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Issue a Renewed Non-System License to Willamette Resources, Inc. For Delivery of Putrescible Waste to the Coffin Butte Landfill For Disposal. 11-4301 12/08/2011
11-4307: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Issue a Renewed Non-System License to Recology Portland, Inc. for Delivery of Source-Separated Food Waste to the Nature's Needs Compost Facility For Composting. 11-4307 12/08/2011
11-4308: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Issue a Renewed Non-System License Jointly to Willamette Resources, Inc. and Allied Waste of Clackamas and Washington Counties For Delivery of Source-Separated Food Waste to the Pacific Region Compost. 11-4308 12/08/2011
11-4309: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Issue a Renewed Non-System License to Garbarino Disposal & Recycling Service, Inc. For Delivery of Source-Separated Food Waste to the Nature's Needs Compost Facility For Composting. 11-4309 12/08/2011
11-4310: Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Issue a Non-System License Jointly to Waste Management of Oregon, Inc. and Troutdale Transfer Station For Delivery of Source-Separated Food Waste to the Pacific Region Compost Facility For Composting. 11-4310 12/08/2011
11-4314: For the Purpose of Amending the 2010-13 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Add the OR217: Active Traffic Management Project and Remove the Project Development Study of Modifying Interchange Ramps on Highway 217 Between Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway and Allen Boulevard 11-4314 12/15/2011
11-4315: For the Purpose of Amending the 2010-13 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement program (MTIP) to Add a Project on Division Street Between the Gresham-Fairview Trail and Wallula Avenue in Gresham. 11-4315 12/15/2011
11-4316: For the Purpose of Confirming the Reappointment and Appointment of Members to the Oregon Zoo Bond Citizens Oversight Committee (OZBAC). 11-4316 12/15/2011