Records - containerEx:8490 (GI9115) - 163 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
83-386: For the Purpose of Setting Terms of Service For Citizen Appointees on the Metro Investment Committee. 83-386 01/27/1983
83-387: For the Purpose of Granting to Marine Drop Box Co. a Variance From the Minimum Bond Requirement of Resolution No. 81-271. 83-387 01/27/1983
83-388: For the Purpose of Amending the Functional Classification System and the Federal Aid Urban System (FAUS). 83-388 02/24/1983
83-389: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Include Two New Projects. [See Notes for full title] 83-389 02/24/1983
83-390: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1983 and FY 1982 Unified Work Program - UWP. (UPWP) 83-390 02/24/1983
83-391: For the Purpose of Adopting Policies For the Investing of Metro's Excess Cash Balances. 83-391 03/24/1983
83-392: For the Purpose of Aligning the Federal Aid Urban Boundary With the 1980 Census Boundary and Urban Growth Boundary. 83-392 03/24/1983
83-393: A Resolution For the Purpose of Authorizing the Residential Recycling Program. 83-393 03/24/1983
83-394: For the Purpose of Supporting the East Multnomah County Sewer Consortium 205 (j) Grant Application. 83-394 03/24/1983
83-395: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Incorporate a Downtown Portland Improvements Project and the Vintage Trolley Project Into the Scope of the Banfield LRT Project. 83-395 03/24/1983
83-396: For the Purpose of Amending the Federal Aid Urban (FAU) Boundary to Incorporate the Addition of Western Hayden Island to the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). 83-396 04/07/1983
83-397: For the Purpose of Creating a Minority Business Enterprise Policy Review Committee and Confirming Appointments Thereto. 83-397 04/07/1983
83-398: For the Purpose of Approving a Procedure to Allocate Federal Aid Urban Funds to Forest Grove. 83-398 05/26/1983
83-399: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 83 Unified Work Program (UWP) For Computer Purchase. UPWP 83-399 05/26/1983
83-400: For the Purpose of Supporting Sponsorship of the Columbia Willamette Futures Forum Conference, June 4, 1983. 83-400 04/07/1983