Records - createdOn:04/23/1981 - 12 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
81-107: For the Purpose of Providing For a Temporary Partial Waiver of Charges at the St Johns Landfill For Woody Wastes. 81-107 04/23/1981
81-235: For the Purpose of Establishing Future Direction of Metro Drainage Management Program. 81-235 04/23/1981
81-236: For the Purpose of Authorizing Continuation of the Goals and Objectives Planner Position Through FY 81, and Approving an Additional Four Months Funding For Said Position For Inclusion in the FY 82 Budget. 81-236 04/23/1981
81-237: For the Purpose of Endorsing the Conclusions of the Bi-State Task Force. 81-237 04/23/1981
81-238: For the Purpose of Reallocating City of Portland Uncommitted Safer Off-System Road (SOSR) Funds to Regional Projects Needing Additional Funds. 81-238 04/23/1981
81-239: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1981 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to Include a Federal Aid Primary Repair Project at Highway 217 Southbound On-Ramp and Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway. 81-239 04/23/1981
81-240: For the Purpose of Amending the Transportation Improvement Program to Include Funding For Highway Elements of the Westside Corridor Project. 81-240 04/23/1981
81-241: For the Purpose of Transmitting the Fiscal Year 1981 Supplemental Budget to the Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission. 81-241 04/23/1981
81-242: For the Purpose of Making Recommendation to the Pacific Northwest Electric Power and Conservation Planning Council. 81-242 04/23/1981
Council Meeting Packet MP02/615 04/23/1981
Council Agenda MEET21/1735 04/23/1981
Council Minutes MEET22/345 04/23/1981