Records - createdOn:09/27/1990 - 16 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Ordinances No. 90-362A to 91-415D GJ0764 09/27/1990
90-359: For the Purpose of Adopting the Plan Development and Amendment Chapter of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. 90-359 09/27/1990
90-360: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 90-340A Revising the FY 1990-91 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For Adding One Full-Time Associate Management Analyst (.75 FTE) in the Personnel Division. 90-360 09/27/1990
90-362A: For the Purpose of Creating Chapter 5.07 Adopting a Program to Provide Recycling Credits For Eligible Nonprofit Organizations and Amending Ordinance 90-340A Adopting the FY 1990-91 Metro Budget and Authorizing Funds For this Program. 90-362A 09/27/1990
90-1302: For the Purpose of Establishing a Policy to Guide Distribution of RLIS Products and Services. 90-1302 09/27/1990
90-1307: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Metro's Representatives to the Oregon Tourism Alliance Board. 90-1307 09/27/1990
90-1315: For the Purpose of Adopting the FY 1991 to Post 1994 Transportation Improvement Program and the FY 1991 Annual Element. 90-1315 09/27/1990
90-1319: For the Purposes of Recognizing Recycling Achievement in the Metro Region. 90-1319 09/27/1990
90-1320: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement With Clackamas County to Provide Litter Collection Services. 90-1320 09/27/1990
90-1324: For the Purpose of Confirming Appointments to the Parks and Natural Areas Policy Advisory Committee. 90-1324 09/27/1990
90-1326: For the Purpose of Authorizing Entering Into an Intergovernmental Agreement Regarding Coordination of Decision-Making For the Westside Corridor Project and Hillsboro Project. 90-1326 09/27/1990
90-1327: For the Purpose of Reaffirming Support For the November 6 Light Rail Bond Measure, Ballot Measure 26-1. 90-1327 09/27/1990
90-1330: For the Purpose of Expressing Appreciation to Convention Center Project Office Staff For Excellent Work on Behalf of the Metropolitan Service District. 90-1330 09/27/1990
Council Meeting Packet MP02/322 09/27/1990
Council Agenda MEET22/62 09/27/1990