Records - createdOn:06/13/1996 - 19 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
96-631B: For the Purpose of Adopting the Annual Budget For FY 1996-97, Making Appropriations and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes; and Declaring an Emergency. 96-631B 06/13/1996
96-2321B: For the Purpose of Revising the Bylaws of the Water Resources Policy Advisory Committee (WRPAC). 96-2321B 06/13/1996
96-2323: For the Purpose of Authorizing Change Order No. 19 to the Contract For Operating Metro Central Station, Change Order No. 19 to the Contract For Operating Metro South Station, and Change Order No. 20 to the Contract For Waste Transport Services. 96-2323 06/13/1996
96-2338 For the Purpose of Authorizing an Exemption to Metro Code Chapter 2.04.041(C), Competitive Bidding Procedures and Authorizing a Sole Source Contract With Eastman Kodak Company to Provide Maintenance and Repair Service on the Kodak 300 Duplicator 96-2338 06/13/1996
96-2340: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For Willamette Cove Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2340 06/13/1996
96-2341: For the Purpose of Approving a Refinement Plan For the Columbia River Shoreline and Islands Target Area as Outlined in the Open Space Implementation Work Plan. 96-2341 06/13/1996
96-2345: For the Purpose of Approving the Ancient Forest Preserve Draft Master Plan. 96-2345 06/13/1996
96-2346: For the Purpose of Authorizing Execution of Multi-Year Contracts For Primary Service and System Acquisitions and For an Exemption to Contract Code 2.04.044 Granting Authority to the Executive Officer to Enter Into Additional Contracts on the Management Information System Project 96-2346 06/13/1996
96-2347: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Exemption to the Metro Code Chapter 2.04.060, Personal Services Contracts Selection Process, and Authorizing a Sole Source Contract With the Portland Art Museum For Sponsorship of an Educational Program in Conjunction with the Museum and Intel Foundation 96-2347 06/13/1996
96-2348: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Extend Contracts With Devin Oil Co. Inc. and Stein Oil Co. Inc. For Purchasing Diesel Fuel. 96-2348 06/13/1996
96-2349: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase Property as an Addition to Howell Territorial Park. 96-2349 06/13/1996
Council Agenda AGEN96/00023 06/13/1996
Council Minutes MIN96/00022 06/13/1996
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Agenda MEET10/605 06/13/1996
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Minutes MEET10/606 06/13/1996