Records - createdOn:06/24/1998 - 109 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
97-683: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise to Pride Recycling Company For the Purpose of Operating a Solid Waste Reload Facility. 97-683 06/24/1998
97-701: For the Purpose of Approving the Transfer Rate For Ambrose Calcagno, Jr., dba A.C. Trucking, Operator of the Forest Grove Transfer Station. 97-701 06/24/1998
97-709: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 1997-98 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring $2,500 From Contingency to Materials and Services in the Office of the Executive Officer's Portion of the General Fund to Provide For Metro's Sponsorship of a Symposium on Bi-State Issues, and Declaring an Emergency 97-709 06/24/1998
83-407: For the Purpose of Declaring the Metropolitan Service District Council's Intent to Develop a Plan and Bring About the Merger of Metro and Tri-Met. 83-407 06/24/1998
83-408: For the Purpose of Declaring the Metropolitan Service District Council's Intent to Do Nothing Toward the Merger of the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District and the Metropolitan Service District. 83-408 06/24/1998
83-409: For the Purpose of Declaring the Metropolitan Service District Council's Intent to Commence the Evaluation of Combined Metro/Tri-Met Functions. 83-409 06/24/1998
83-415: For the Purpose of Supporting the Creation of a Study Commission to Investigate and Make Recommendations on Governance at Metropolitan Level Including Tri-Met/Metro Relationship. 83-415 06/24/1998
84-440: For the Purpose of Recommending Approval of the City of Tigard's Request For Acknowledgment of Compliance With LCDC Goals. 83-440 06/24/1998
84-458: For the Purpose of Declaring Metro's Intent to Use a Conventional Approach For Implementing the Washington County Transfer Station. 84-458 06/24/1998
85-535: Amending Resolution No. 84-491 (Interim Management Strategy For St. Johns), Specifically the Waste Reduction Program 85-535 06/24/1998
86-666: For the Purpose of Amending the Concept Plan, Authorizing New Interstate Transfer Projects and Amending the Transportation Improvement Program. 86-666 06/24/1998
86-668: For the Purpose of Selecting and Authorizing Acquisition of the Fairway Western Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-668 06/24/1998
86-669: For the Purpose of Selecting and Authorizing Acquisition of the Cornell Road Site For the Purpose of Constructing the West Transfer and Recycling Center. 86-669 06/24/1998
87-737: For the Purpose of Amending Resolution No. 85-541 Establishing Guidelines For Councilor Per Diem and Expenses. 87-737 06/24/1998
87-746: For the Purpose of Supporting the Designation of Oregon City as the End of the Oregon Trail. 87-746 06/24/1998