Records - createdOn:12/27/1998 - 27 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
98-763: For the Purpose of Amending the Contract Between Metro and Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects (Contract No. 903749) For Architectural Services Associated With the Oregon Project at the Oregon Zoo (Metro Washington Park Zoo) 98-763 12/27/1998
98-723: For the Purpose of Granting a Franchise Variance to Energy Reclamation, Inc. [ERI] to Allow Acceptance of Solid Waste From Non-Affiliated Haulers; and Amending the Franchise. 98-723 12/27/1998
98-729: Title refers to "OCC Bond Measure." 98-729 12/27/1998
98-733: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1997-98 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Transferring Money From the General Fund Contingency to the Transportation Department For Repair of Trestles on the Willamette Shore Line Right-of-Way, Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Lake Oswego to Complete the Repairs, and Declaring an Emergency 98-733 12/27/1998
98-743: Title refers to "Stream and Floodplain Protection" 98-743 12/27/1998
98-748: For the Purpose of Issuing a Designated Facility Agreement to USA Waste Services, Inc., For the Riverbend Landfill Facility and the North Wasco County Landfill Facility and For Amending the Metro Code to Add Riverbend Landfill and North Wasco County Landfill to the List of Designated Facilities 98-748 12/27/1998
98-750: For the Purpose of Amending the Portland Metropolitan Area Urban Growth Boundary to Provide For a State Prison and Needed Housing; Amending RUGGO Ordinance No. 95-625A; and Declaring an Emergency. 98-750 12/27/1998
98-753: Title refers to "Designated Facility Agreement for North Wasco County Landfill" 98-753 12/27/1998
98-756: For the Purpose of Issuing a Designated Facility Agreement to USA Waste Services, Inc., For the North Wasco County Landfill. 98-756 12/27/1998
98-757: For the Purpose of Issuing a Designated Facility Agreement to USA Waste Services, Inc., For the Riverbend Landfill. 98-757 12/27/1998
98-758: For the Purpose of Amending Section 5.05.030 of the Metro Code to Remove the List of Designated Facilities From the Code and to Enable Additional Facilities to Be Designated Without the Necessity of Further Code Amendments. 98-758 12/27/1998
98-760: For the Purpose of Appointing a Committee to Recommend Revisions or Amendments to the Metro Charter. 98-760 12/27/1998
98-765: Amendments to Metro Code Provisions Regarding Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Involving Federally-Funded Contracts. 98-765 12/27/1998
98-766: Title refers to "MERC Board Appointment Process." 98-766 12/27/1998
98-773: Title refers to "PDX Lease Composting Facility License" 98-773 12/27/1998