Records - createdOn:01/28/1999 - 10 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
99-2740A: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute a Programmatic 4(F) Statement and Negotiate a Right of Way Agreement With Clackamas County Department of Transportation Over Metro Property. 99-2740A 01/28/1999
99-2747: For the Purpose of Authorizing Request For Proposals For an Exhibit Fabricator at Oregon Zoo. 99-2747 01/28/1999
99-2750: For the Purpose of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Portland For Reforestation on Metro Open Spaces Properties. 99-2750 01/28/1999
99-792: An Ordinance Amending the FY 1998-99 Budget and Appropriations Schedule in the Support Services Fund By Transferring $270,000 From Contingency to Materials and Services and Capital Outlay in the Administrative Services Department For Unanticipated Expenditures in Information Management Services; and Increasing the Total FTE in the Administrative Services Department By 1.0 FTE System Analyst; and Declaring an Emergency 99-792 01/28/1999
Council Agenda AGEN99/00011 01/28/1999
99-2738: For the Purpose of Authorizing an Amendment to Contract 920909 With Natural Data For a Database Administrator. 99-2738 01/28/1999
Council Minutes MIN99/00005 01/28/1999
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE99/69 01/28/1999
Council Meeting Packet MP99/5 01/28/1999
Ordinances No. 99-792 to 00-868 GJ0520 01/28/1999