Records - createdOn:05/06/1999 - 11 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
99-2763: For the Purpose of Reallocating Multnomah County Local Share Funds Among Existing Projects. 99-2763 05/06/1999
99-796: For the Purpose of Authorizing a Transfer of Metro Yard Debris Processing Facility License No. YD-0197 From Scotts Hyponex Corporation to Clackamas Compost Products, Inc. to Continue Operations at an Existing, Approved,Yard Debris Processing Site 99-796 05/06/1999
99-801: For the Purpose of Transferring the Solid Waste Franchise For Operation of the Citistics Reload/Materials Recovery Facility For Citistics, Inc. to USA Waste of Oregon, Inc. 99-801 05/06/1999
99-2775: For the Purpose of Endorsing Proposed Federal Legislation Which Would Preserve, Protect and Enhance Parks, Open Spaces, Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Trails and Recreational Facilities. 99-2775 05/06/1999
99-2782: To Grant a Four-Month Extension of the Conditions of Tsugawa Urban Growth Boundary Resolution. [Case No. 98-4] 99-2782 05/06/1999
Council Agenda AGEN99/00075 05/06/1999
Council Minutes MIN99/00061 05/06/1999
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE99/52 05/06/1999
Council Meeting Packet MP99/21 05/06/1999
99-17: Accepting Shaw West Company as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with the MERC Purchasing Policy and Guidelines and authorizing the MERC General Manager to execute contract with Shaw West for the C... <FULL TITLE IN NOTES> 99-17 05/06/1999
99-18: No Resolution 99-18 05/06/1999