Records - createdOn:06/14/2001 - 17 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
01-908: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2000-01 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring Appropriations From Operating Expenses to Capital Outlay in the Administrative Services Department Within Support Services Fund, and Declaring an Emergency. 01-908 06/14/2001
01-909B: For the Purpose of Adopting a Metro Council District Reapportionment Plan; and Declaring an Emergency. 01-909B 06/14/2001
01-910: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2000-01 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring Appropriations From Contingency to Interfund Transfers in the MERC Pooled Capital Fund; and Declaring an Emergency. 01-910 06/14/2001
01-911: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2000-01 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Transferring Appropriations From Operating Expenses to Capital Outlay and From Debt Services to Interfund Transfers in the Convention Center Project Capital Fund; and Declaring an Emergency 01-911 06/14/2001
01-912: An Ordinance Recognizing and Accepting Intergovernmental Revenue From the City of Portland and Increasing Appropriations in the MERC Pooled Capital Fund For FY 2000-01; and Declaring an Emergency. 01-912 06/14/2001
01-3077: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Between Metro and Clean Water Services, A County Service District in Washington County, for Coordination of Planning and Authorizing the Payment of Up to $11,452 for Healthy Streams Data 01-3077 06/14/2001
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Regional Facilities and Operations Committee Agenda AGEN01/00085 06/14/2001
Metro Council - Council Committee Meeting Records - Recordings - Regional Facilities and Metro Operations TAPE01/64 06/14/2001
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Regional Facilities and Operations Committee Meeting Packet MP01/64 06/14/2001
Council Agenda AGEN01/00095 06/14/2001
Council Minutes MIN01/00071 06/14/2001
Council Meeting Packet MP01/74 06/14/2001
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE01/74 06/14/2001
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Regional Facilities and Operations Committee Minutes MIN01/00076 06/14/2001
Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (JPACT) Agenda MEET10/223 06/14/2001