Records - createdOn:12/06/2001 - 14 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
01-3101B: For the Purpose of Approving the Blue Lake Regional Park Economic Feasibility Study and Facility Design Concept. 01-3101B 12/06/2001
01-926: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2001-02 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Transferring $43,500 From the Planning Fund Contingency to Operating Expenses to Augment the Regional Goal 5/Fish and Wildlife Habitat Protection Program; and Declaring an Emergency 01-926 12/06/2001
01-930: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2001-02 Budget and Appropriations Schedule For the Purpose of Recognizing $75,000 in Grant Funds From Tri-Met; Increasing the Planning Fund Appropriations By $75,000; Authorizing the Addition of 1.20 FTE; and Declaring an Emergency 01-930 12/06/2001
01-931: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2001-02 Budget and Appropriations Schedule Transferring $316,000 From the Planning Fund Contingency to Capital Outlay and Interfund Transfers to Provide For the Purchase of Computer Equipment Under the Transportation Model Improvement Program; Authorizing an Interfund Loan Not to Exceed $300,000; Amending the FY 2001-02 Capital Improvement Plan; and Declaring and Emergency 01-931 12/06/2001
01-3134: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase the Union Pacific Properties in the OMSI to Springwater Corridor Target Area. 01-3134 12/06/2001
01-3136: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase Property on Scouters Mountain in the East Buttes/Boring Lava Domes Target Area. 01-3136 12/06/2001
01-3142: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase the Portland Traction Company Former Railway Corridor From the Union Pacific Railroad. 01-3142 12/06/2001
Council Agenda AGEN01/00266 12/06/2001
Metro Council - Council Meeting Records - Recordings - Council TAPE01/166 12/06/2001
Council Minutes MIN01/00220 12/06/2001
Council Meeting Packet MP01/283-01 12/06/2001
Council Meeting Packet MP01/283-02 12/06/2001
Council Meeting Packet MP01/283-03 12/06/2001
Green Ribbon Committee Report to the Metro Council DOC11/9332 12/06/2001