Records - createdOn:08/01/2002 - 15 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
02-956: An Ordinance Amending the FY 2002-03 Budget and Appropriations Schedule By Recognizing $28,039 in Additional Grant Funds and Increasing Appropriations in the General Revenue Bond Fund For the Council Chambers Camera Project; and Declaring an Emergency 02-956 08/01/2002
02-960: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 2.19 to Modify the Term Limitation Provisions Applicable to Metro Advisory Committees and to Enlarge the Membership of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. 02-960 08/01/2002
02-3213A: For the Purpose of Formalizing Budget Assumption Guidelines For Departmental Use in Preparing the Fiscal Year 2003-04 Budget, and Directing the Executive Officer and/or the Council President to Advise Council of Any Substantive Changes in the Assumptions Prior to the Submission of the Budget to Council For Public Review 02-3213A 08/01/2002
02-3214: For the Purpose of Approving a Final Order Imposing a Monetary Fine on Michael Reynolds, dba Workhorse Services, Inc., For a Violation of Section 7.01 of the Metro Code. 02-3214 08/01/2002
02-3215: For the Purpose of Approving a Final Order Imposing a Monetary Fine on Warren Z. Biden, dba Westmont Properties, For a Violation of Section 7.01 of the Metro Code. 02-3215 08/01/2002
Council Agenda AGEN02/00154 08/01/2002
Council Minutes MIN02/00105 08/01/2002
Council TAPE02/103 08/01/2002
Council Meeting Packet MP02/92 08/01/2002
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Committee Agenda AGEN02/00159 08/01/2002
Adoption of Title 13 "Nature in Neighborhoods" of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan, et al, DLCD Record (Ordinances No. 05-1077C and 05-1097A) GI9223 08/01/2002
Master Record: Adoption of Title 13 (Nature in Neighborhoods) - Urban Growth Management Functional Plan - Ordinance Numbers 05-1077C and 05-1097A HU0279 08/01/2002
UGB major amendment record - Cornelius UGB Case 07-02 - denied PLABUN010 08/01/2002
2002 UGB Record – Industrial Land Analysis OREG343845 08/01/2002
SBLWA Invasive Plant Management Plan DOC22/1381 08/01/2002