Records - createdOn:04/21/2011 - 14 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
Council Agenda AGEN11/00042 04/21/2011
Council Minutes MIN11/00034 04/21/2011
Council Meeting Packet MP11/38-01 04/21/2011
Council 11/41 04/21/2011
11-1255: For the Purpose of Revising the "Urban Growth Boundary and Urban and Rural Reserves Map" in Title 14 (Urban Growth Boundary) of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan. 11-1255 04/21/2011
11-1256: For the Purpose of Amending Metro Code Chapter 2.04 in Order to Strengthen Metro's Contract Policies. 11-1256 04/21/2011
11-4235: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2010-11 Unified Planning Work Program to Add the Council Creek Trail, Multimodal Arterial Performance Management Regional Concept of Transportation Operations, and the Aloha-Reedville Study and Livability Community Plan Projects and Modify Project Development Language For the Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program 11-4235 04/21/2011
11-4236: For the Purpose of Certifying That the Portland Metropolitan Area is in Compliance With the Federal Transportation Planning Requirements and Adopting the FY 2011-12 Unified Planning Work Program. 11-4236 04/21/2011
11-4251: For the Purpose of Amending the FY 2010-11 Through FY 2014-15 Capital Improvement Plan by Adding or Adjusting Four Capital Improvement Plan Projects. 11-4251 04/21/2011
Local Jurisdiction Survey: Audit Topics PUB11/38 04/21/2011
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, April 21, 2011 MEET11/136 04/21/2011
Metro Order No. 11-054: Relating to a Revision to the Employment and Industrial Areas Map of Title 4 (Industrial and Other Employment Areas) of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan [See Notes for full title] 11-054 04/21/2011
Council Meeting Packet MP11/38-02 04/21/2011
Urban and Rural Reserves Master Record - Index DOC11/9328 04/21/2011