Records - createdOn:05/03/2018 - 13 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
18-4873: For the Purpose of Approving the FY 2018-19 Budget, Setting Property Tax Levies and Transmitting the Approved Budget to the Multnomah County Tax Supervising and Conservation Commission. 18-4873 05/03/2018
Council Agenda AGEN18/00036 05/03/2018
Council Meeting Packet MP18/29 05/03/2018
Council Minutes MIN18/00028 05/03/2018
Council Recording 18/55 05/03/2018
Metro Council Action Update for Thursday, May 3, 2018 MEET18/298 05/03/2018
18-4877: For the Purpose of Adopting the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Unified Planning Work Program. 18-4877 05/03/2018
18-4888: For the Purpose of Filling a Vacancy on the Metro Central Station Enhancement Committee. 18-4888 05/03/2018
18-4876: For the Purpose of Adding or Amending Existing Projects to the 2018-21 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Involving Five Projects Requiring Programming Additions, Corrections, or Cancellations Impacting Metro, Multnomah County, ODOT, and Portland (MA18-07-MAR) 18-4876 05/03/2018
18-4883: For the Purpose of Adding or Amending Existing Projects to the 2018-21 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Involving Six Projects Requiring Programming Additions, Corrections, or Cancellations Impacting Metro, ODOT, and TriMet (AP18-08-APR) 18-4883 05/03/2018
18-4891: For the Purpose of Proclaiming May 5, 2018 as a Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls. 18-4891 05/03/2018
18-4885: For the Purpose of Resolving a Dispute Between the City of Wilsonville and the City of Tualatin Regarding the Concept Plan for the Basalt Creek Planning Area. 18-4885 05/03/2018
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) - UPWP 2018-19 Final Adoption Document by Metro Council DOC18/799 05/03/2018