
Records - createdOn:11/09/2001 - 9 Records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
01-905: For the Purpose of Establishing a Periodic Popular Vote That Sets Metro Fiscal Policy Relating to Paying For the Cost Impacts of Growth. 01-905 11/09/2001
01-922: For the Purpose of Enacting the Community Preservation Act and Establishing a Periodic Popular Vote That Sets Metro Fiscal Policy Relating to Paying For the Cost Impacts of Growth. 01-922 11/09/2001
01-928: For the Purpose of Amending the Future Vision and the Regional Framework Plan to Fulfill the Charter Requirement to Describe a Process for "Carrying Capacity" in the Region. 01-928 11/09/2001
01-906: For the Purpose of Amending the Future Vision and the Regional Framework Plan to Fulfill the Charter Requirement to Describe a Process for "Carrying Capacity" in the Region. 01-906 11/09/2001
01-3059: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement With the City of Fairview For Police Service. 01-3059 11/09/2001
01-3065: For the Purpose of Making Citizen Appointments to the Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee (TPAC) 01-3065 11/09/2001
01-3028: Title refers to "Approve STS For Consent to a Change of Control and Ownership" 01-3028 11/09/2001
01-3092: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Executive Officer to Purchase the Derby-Heinze Partnership Property on Mt. Scott in the East Buttes/Boring Lava Domes Target Area. 01-3092 11/09/2001
01-3099: Title refers to "Amend IGA With Tri-Met For South Corridor Transportation Alternatives Study" 01-3099 11/09/2001