Records - containerEx:231585 (GI5929) - 101 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
12-4392: For the Purpose of Confirming Appointments to the Metro Public Engagement Review Committee (PERC). 12-4392 11/29/2012
12-4393: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Anne Darrow to the Metro Audit Committee. 12-4393 11/29/2012
12-4396: For the Purpose of Making Community Representative Appointments to the Transportation Policy Alternatives Committee (TPAC). 12-4396 11/29/2012
12-4394: For the Purpose of Revising the North Portland Enhancement Committee Policies and Authorizing the Committee to Charge Expenditures to the Fund Principal. 12-4394 12/06/2012
12-4395: For the Purpose of Confirming the Appointment of Members to the Oregon Zoo Bond Citizens' Oversight Committee. 12-4395 12/13/2012
12-4401: For the Purpose of Amending Resolution No. 12-4383 Setting the Policy Direction to the Regional Flexible Funding Allocation (RFFA) Process For Federal Fiscal Years 2016-18. 12-4401 12/18/2012
12-4399A: For the Purpose of Amending the Oregon Zoo Bond Implementation Plan and Oregon Zoo 20-year Comprehensive Capital Master Plan. 12-4399A 12/18/2012
12-4400: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Execute an Option to Purchase and Acquire Real Property For a Remote Elephant Center. 12-4400 12/18/2012
12-4398: For the Purpose of Referring to the Voters of the Metro Area a Local Option Levy For the Purpose of Preserving Water Quality, Fish and Wildlife Habitat and Maintaining Metro's Parks and Natural Areas For the Public. 12-4398 12/18/2012
12-4385: For the Purpose of Amending the 2012-2015 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) to Allocate Funds to Community Projects That Enhance Efficiency of the Regional Transportation System. 12-4385 12/31/2012
12-4397: For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Purchase Certain Property Subject to an Unusual Circumstance in the Tualatin River Greenway Target Area With 2006 Natural Areas Bond Measure Proceeds. 12-4397 12/31/2012