Records - allRelated:14733 (00-2999) - 11 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
00-869A: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan; Amending Ordinance No. 96-647C and Ordinance No. 97-715B. 00-869A-01 08/10/2000
00-2969B: For the Purpose of Adopting the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan as the Federal Metropolitan Transportation Plan. 00-2969B-01 08/10/2000
Council Agenda AGEN00/00181 11/16/2000
Council Meeting Packet MP00/143 11/16/2000
Council Minutes MIN00/00129 11/16/2000
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Agenda AGEN00/00207 11/07/2000
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Minutes MIN00/00139 11/07/2000
Metro Council Committee Meeting Records - Transportation Planning Committee Meeting Packet MP00/157 11/07/2000
03-3382A: For the Purpose of Adopting the Portland Area Air Quality Conformity Determination For the 2004 Regional Transportation Plan and 2004-07 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 03-3382A-01 01/15/2004
03-3382A: For the Purpose of Adopting the Portland Area Air Quality Conformity Determination For the 2004 Regional Transportation Plan and 2004-07 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program. 03-3382A-02 01/15/2004
00-2999: For the Purpose of Adopting the Portland Area Air Quality Conformity Determination For the 2000 Regional Transportation Plan. 00-2999 11/16/2000