Records - contact:24915 (Rotchford, Matthew) - 17 records

Title (Free Text Part) Record Number Date Created / Date Adopted
13-29: For the purpose of approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Portland (City), acting by and through its Bureau of Environmental Services (BES), and the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission. [See Notes for full title] 13-29 11/06/2013
13-33: For the purpose of approving and transmitting to the Metro Council budget amendments to the MERC Fund for fiscal year 2013-14. 13-33 12/04/2013
13-07: For the purpose of approving facility rental rates for Fiscal Year 2013-10 at the Portland Expo Center (Expo). 13-07 04/03/2013
14-4513: For the Purpose of Extending Funding Through the Metro Tourism Opportunity and Competitiveness Account (MTOCA) to the Portland Expo Center; MTOCA Funds to Continue to the Directed to the Oregon Convention Center. 14-4513 04/17/2014
14-07: For the purpose of selecting Modern Electric Services Company for the Portland Expo Center "Lighting Efficiency Improvements - Halls D and E and authorizing the General Manager of Visitor Venues to execute a contract with Modern Electric Services. 14-07 05/07/2014
14-17: For the purpose of selecting Colton Construction Company for the Portland Expo Center "Greenwall Stormwater Improvements" and authorizing the Metro Deputy chief Operating Officer to execute a contract with Colton Construction Company. 14-17 06/04/2014
14-20: For the purpose of selecting Anderson Roofing company, Inc. for the Portland Expo Center - "Hall E Lobby Roof Repairs" and authorizing the Metro Deputy COO to execute a contract with Anderson Roofing Company, Inc. 14-20 07/09/2014
14-22: For the purpose of approving a contract with Cosco Fire Protection for fire and life safety systems maintenance and repair services at the Portland Expo Center. 14-22 07/09/2014
12-01: For the Purpose of Raising Facility Rental Rates for Fiscal Years 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 at the Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center (Expo) 12-01 01/04/2012
12-15: For the purpose of selecting Anderson Roofing Company for the Portland Expo Center - "Roof Repair Project Halls A, C and D" and authorizing the General Manager to execute a contract with Anderson Roofing Company. 12-15 08/01/2012
15-18: For the purpose of approving facility rental rates for the fiscal years of 2016-17, 2017-18, and 1018-19 at the Portland Expo Center (Expo). 15-18 10/07/2015
16-09: For the purpose of accepting Recology Portland Inc's (Recology Portland) Proposal for Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Service at the Portland Expo Center (Expo) and authorizing the Agreement (See Notes for full title) 16-09 05/04/2016
17-16: For the purpose of approving the purchase of roofing materials for the Portland Expo Center through an interstate cooperative procurement agreement. 17-16 05/03/2017
17-22: For the purpose of approving an agreement with City Center Parking for Parking Lot Operations at the Portland Expo Center (Expo) and the Oregon Convention Center (OCC). 17-22 06/07/2017
17-23: For the purpose of approving the selection of Anderson Roofing as the approved installation agent for the Hall D, E and Connector Roof Restoration Project, entering into an agreement with the Metropolitan Exposition [See Notes for full title] 17-23 06/26/2017